Our research consists of an IT research package (Big Data and traffic analysis – Data sets for law research). This includes raw data from real-world examples e.g. data from carsharing services and digitalised transportation. To collect these data sets, we have mined Web data over a certain period of time before its evaporation. Responsible for the Web data collection is Alexander Gröflin, technical assistant and PhD candidate in Computer Science. Under the concept of open data, the following data sets are available for download on his GitHub repository (github.com/WebObservatoryUnibas):
- Price observation of six Easyjet flights over a period of seven months until December 2015 from Basel (BSL) to London-Gatwick (LGW) and back: https://github.com/WebObservatoryUnibas/lab/blob/master/easyjet_BSL-LGW.json
- Tram delay observation at station “Barfüsserplatz” over a period of one month (2015):
- Observation of comments on the news portal “20min.ch” (2015), tree based:
https://github.com/WebObservatoryUnibas/lab/blob/master/2015_06_comments20min_treebased.json.zip - Observation of comments on the news portal “watson.ch” (2016), tree based:
- Observation of a carsharing service in Basel (2017), h5 file (use both files):